Supriya Anil JaiswarHeavy Metal Detox
The heavy metal occurs naturally in our environment, however, in modern times anthropogenic (man-made) pollution, has introduced high concentrations of heavy metals in our water, food, and air supply causing toxic metal accumulation.
Not every metal is dangerous when taken in safe amounts. Iron, cobalt, copper, manganese, Molybdenum, and zinc are healthful heavy metals.
Diagnostic tests for heavy metal poisoning by doing chromatography of blood or tissue sample. But everyone not able to do it or they don’t know about it. Nowadays even this kind of test needs more money than treatment cost.
General symptoms of heavy metal toxicity:
- Chronic muscle or bone pain
- Chronic fatigue
- Brain fog / confusion
- Chronic continuous infection
- Indigestion
- Food allergies
- Dizziness
- Miagrains / Headaches +++
- Mood swings
- Depression / Anxiety
- Numbness in hands/legs
- Tingling all over our body
- Paralysis
Chronic Degenerative Diseases
- Cancer
- MS
- Autoimmune Encephalopathy
- PANDAS ( Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder associated with streptococcus )
Neuro Degenerative Disorder
- Alzheimer
- Dyslexia
- Epilepsy
- Neural Tubal Disorders
- Autism
Sources of Heavy Metal Pollution
- Occupational exposure
- Vaccination contains aluminum/mercury
- Tattoo
- Cosmetics/pesticides/polishers/paint etc.
- Smoking/cigarette smoke
- Food like fish, especially shark fish
- Living near landfill
- Drinking outside water.
Homeopathic medication helps these heavy metals detoxify your liver, kidney, and bowels.
The liver plays several roles in detoxification, it filters the blood to remove large toxins, synthesis and secretes bile full of cholesterol, and other fat-soluble toxins, and enzymatically disassembles chemicals through a process referred to as phases I and II detoxification.
Detoxification or you say blood purification with the help of Homeopathic remedies can be an easy way to help with following diseases or symptoms.
- Autism
- Aspergers
- Memory Loss
- Increased allergic reactions
- Depression
- Mood swings
- Irritability
- Poor concentration
- Aggressive behavior
- Sleep disorders
- Heavy Metal Poisoning
- High Blood Pressure
- High Cholesterol
- Triglycerides
- Vascular Occlusion
- Neuropathy
- Autoimmune disease
- Thyroid disorder
- Cancer
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Fibromyalgia
Dopamine Detox
How does t work?
Dopamine is a type of neurotransmitter in the brain. It is naturally produced by the body as a chemical messenger, and it affects many behavioral functions including:
- Learning
- Motivation
- Sleep
- Mood
- Attention
An excess or deficiency in dopamine production can cause mental health conditions.
Exposure to overwhelming levels of stimuli can prompt such disorders, leading to dependencies on certain substances or activities.
Homeopathy helps you to get detox from Dopamine dependency, or health-related issues like:
- Emotional Eating
- Excessive internet usage or gaming
- Gambling or shopping
- Porn or masturbation
- Thrill or novelty seeking
- Recreational Drugs.
Homeopathic Synthetic Hormonal Detox
When you know that the hormonal system is a feedback system, it is easy to understand that getting a high dose of synthetic hormones can disrupt it.
Fertility drugs are one of those groups of hormones that can leave a lasting imprint on your system and throw off your hormone balance.
That your hormonal system is quite delicate is probably not news to you! The slightest thing can have an effect on it that you see back in your current cycle or your cycle pattern.
- In an extra stressful month alone you may already ovulate later or not at all.
- If your prolactin is slightly high you will have anovulatory cycle.
- If your estrogen is slightly lower you will have less cervical mucus and be less fertile.
- If your progesterone is slightly off your luteal phase can be cut short by several days.

If you conceived your baby after using fertility drugs or had a medicated birth, and your baby has health issues, then they too will likely benefit hugely from homeopathic detox. More on detoxing babies from labor drugs soon!
Detoxing the way that I detox my patients are now easy for you to do yourself at home. I have made some protocols available kits that teach you how to get detoxification.
First, you have to schedule a fertility assessment with me. You still have options to get healthier and more fertile naturally!
Homeopathy on Steroid Detox
These are blockers in the ways of homeopathic treatment:
- Seems to interfere with adrenal functions.
- Interfere with hormonal balance in fertility cases.
- They block the effects of homeopathic remedies.
- They suppress the immune system, they tend to compromise immunity after use too.

Heavy Metal Detox
The heavy metal occurs naturally in our environment, however, in modern times anthropogenic (man-made) pollution, has introduced high concentrations of heavy metals in our water, food, and air supply causing the toxic metal accumulation.
Not every metal is dangerous when taken in safe amounts. Iron, cobalt, copper, manganese, Molybdenum, and zinc are healthful heavy metals.
Diagnostic tests for heavy metal poisoning by doing chromatography of blood or tissue sample. But everyone not able to do it or they don’t know about it.
Nowadays even this kind of test needs more money than treatment cost.
General symptoms of heavy metal toxicity:
- Chronic muscle or bone pain
- Chronic fatigue
- Brain fog/confusion
- Chronic continuous infection
- Indigestion
- Food allergies
- Dizziness
- Miagrains / Headaches +++
- Mood swings
- Depression / Anxiety
- Numbness in hands/legs
- Tingling all over our body
- Paralysis
Chronic degenerative diseases
- Cancer
- MS
- Autoimmune Encephalopathy
- PANDAS ( Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder associated with streptococcus )
Neuro Degenerative Disorder
- Alzheimer
- Dyslexia
- Epilepsy
- Neural Tubal Disorders
- Autism
Sources of Heavy Metal Pollution
- Occupational exposure
- Vaccination contains aluminum/mercury
- Tattoo
- Cosmetics/pesticides/polishers/paint etc.
- Smoking/cigarette smoke
- Food like fish, especially shark fish
- Living near landfill
- _ outside water.
Homeopathic medication helps these heavy metals detoxify your liver, kidney, and bowels.
The liver plays several roles in detoxification, it filters the blood to remove large toxins, synthesis and secretes bile full of cholesterol, and other fat-soluble toxins, and enzymatically disassembles chemicals through a process referred to as phases I and II detoxification.
Detoxification or you say blood purification with the help of Homeopathic remedies can be an easy way to help with following diseases or symptoms.
- Autism
- Aspergers
- Memory Loss
- Increased allergic reactions
- Depression
- Mood swings
- Irritability
- Poor concentration
- Aggressive behavior
- Sleep disorders
- Heavy Metal _
- High Blood Pressure
- High Cholesterol
- Triglycerides
- Vascular Occlusion
- Neuropathy
- Autoimmune disease
- Thyroid disorder
- Cancer
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Fibromyalgia
Dopamine Detox
How does t work?
Dopamine is a type of neurotransmitter in the brain. It is naturally produced by the body as a chemical messenger, and it affects many behavioral functions including:
- Learning
- Motivation
- Sleep
- Mood
- Attention

Exposure to overwhelming levels of stimuli can prompt such disorders, leading to dependencies on certain substances or activities.
Homeopathy helps you to get detox from Dopamine dependency, or health-related issues like:
- Emotional Eating
- Excessive internet usage or gaming
- Gambling or shopping
- Porn or masturbation
- Thrill or novelty seeking
- Recreational Drugs
Homeopathic Synthetic Hormonal Detox
Fertility drugs are one of those groups of hormones that can leave a lasting imprint on your system and throw off your hormone balance.
That your hormonal system is quite delicate is probably not news to you! The slightest thing can have an effect on it that you see back in your current cycle or your cycle pattern.
- In an extra stressful month alone you may already ovulate later or not at all.
- If your prolactin is slightly high you will have anovulatory cycle.
- If your estrogen is slightly lower you will have less cervical mucus and be less fertile
- If your progesterone is slightly off your luteal phase can be cut short by several days.

Detoxing the way that I detox my patients are now easy for you to do yourself at home. I have made some protocols available kits that teach you how to get detoxification.
First, you have to schedule a fertility assessment with me. You still have options to get healthier and more fertile naturally!
Homeopathy on Steroid Detox
These are blockers in the ways of homeopathic treatment:
- Seems to interfere with adrenal functions.
- Interfere with hormonal balance in fertility cases.
- They block the effects of homeopathic remedies.
- They suppress the immune system, they tend to compromise immunity after use too.